Day 192

May 14, 2020

May 14, 2020 Santa Monica, CA

The ability to take walks and ride a bike daily has been a real source of comfort during these strange days. Yesterday it was announced that, in LA County, we must wear masks/cloth face coverings whenever we are outside. Which sounds just truly awful and, I will admit, I was upset by it. Apparently there was some confusion in the language and that caused a huge backlash toward the mayor. Once the new rule was clarified, however, there was a huge sense of relief. At least for me. Yes, it is recommended we wear masks outside if we we will be coming into contact with people outside our own households, or if passing others and six feet of distance is not possible. Runners are encouraged to put masks on if they are passing each other. Very different from having to wear a mask at all times. My new rule is while I’m out walking I will make sure there is a very wide space between me and anyone I may pass or cross. This means I spend a lot of time hopping on and off sidewalks and crossing the street when approaching other people. As well as being even more aware of my surroundings. And of course, I always have a mask with me. Often I find myself dreaming of the day we can forgo all of these precautions and we can hug our friends and family. I really miss that.

About this image. Poop bag dispensers come in various shapes and sizes and can be found spread out throughout the neighborhood. Really love the red roof on this one and the weathered look of it. Not to mention the differences in texture between the wood of the little house and the bark on the tree. Taken with the iPhone X and Camera+ 2 App in portrait mode.

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