Tagged: HomePhotography

Day 184

May 6, 2020 The gardening is coming along. So of course now I can’t stop taking pictures of the succulents. Which, albeit a little dusty from the repotting, are looking pretty good. Here I...

Day 182

May 4, 2020 These last few days, it seems, everyone in the entertainment industry is starting to get a bit nuts. Suddenly a bunch of groups have popped up on social media where everyone...

Day 175

April 27, 2020 My new obsession with buying flowers for my desk has extended to orchids. This blue beauty called to me from across the store. It is just the most gorgeously perfect flower....

Day 171

April 23, 2020 Today I took that dreaded trip to the grocery store, and while I was there I decided to get some flowers for my desk. I have never been a fan of...

Day 167

April 19, 2020 Today was not a day for me to face the world. I just couldn’t bring myself to go outside. So instead I spent quite some time playing with natural lighting, perspective,...

Day 166

April 18, 2020 Clearly I am making use of the courtyard to watch all the different feathered and furry friends that stop by for a drink. Or, in this little guy’s case, a drink...

Day 157

April 9, 2020 According to the local news, this week is supposed to be a peak of sorts in LA County. We are being cautioned to remain indoors and even avoid going to the...

Day 155

April 7, 2020 Here I give you, cilantro. It’s been raining pretty heavily most of the day. Not even the birds are out. Needless to say I did not got out to take pictures....

Day 144

March 27, 2020 This little piggy bank was a gift from a friend when she lived In Oaxaca, Mexico about ten years ago. I finally had a chance to visit Oaxaca this past fall...

Day 142

March 25, 2020 Cooking has quickly become a very important part of each and every day. I honestly don’t cook very often. That’s not to say I can’t, just have no time. Working sixty...