Tagged: StateOfEmergency

Day 179

May 1, 2020 Last Sunday I decided to fix my beach cruiser. It had been sitting in the garage for several years, neglected, collecting dust. The tires were so flat, the rims were touching...

Day 178

April 30, 2020 Today there was a, by today’s standards, long distance outing. A friend’s camping truck was broken into. Seems the would be thieves damaged some tiny thing in the steering column which...

Day 177

April 29, 2020 Found this beauty on my neighbor’s side of the fence. Not sure what it is. I think, maybe, a Hollyhock? Anyway, just enjoying the beautiful blooms and being grateful that my...

Day 176

April 28, 2020 I have always liked these chairs that sit on a front yard down the street from me. The blue against everything else makes me so happy. Plus there is this feeling...

Day 175

April 27, 2020 My new obsession with buying flowers for my desk has extended to orchids. This blue beauty called to me from across the store. It is just the most gorgeously perfect flower....

Day 174

April 26, 2020 The Venice Canals at sunrise on an intensely foggy morning. When I left Santa Monica the skies were clear and it was working it’s way into a beautifully sunny day. Once...

Day 173

April 25, 2020 Found these Variegated Leaf Geraniums. At least that is what I think they are. Either way, I really like the patterns and the bright green color. Shot this while on a...

Day 172

April 24, 2020 It took me a while to identify this one but finally found it. Torch Lillies, or Red Hot Pokers, seem to be everywhere these days. Apparently they produce quite a bit...

Day 171

April 23, 2020 Today I took that dreaded trip to the grocery store, and while I was there I decided to get some flowers for my desk. I have never been a fan of...

Day 170

April 22, 2020 Went for a walk today that took me into some areas of the neighborhood I had never explored. La Mesa is the northernmost street in Santa Monica. It’s isn’t very long...