Day 169
April 21, 2020 Found these commingling irises during my late afternoon walk today. I couldn’t get over the saturation of the petals. Just gorgeous. But it is spring in Southern California. Regardless of what...
One Shot Every Day
April 21, 2020 Found these commingling irises during my late afternoon walk today. I couldn’t get over the saturation of the petals. Just gorgeous. But it is spring in Southern California. Regardless of what...
April 20, 2020 The quintessential Southern California bungalow. This is one of my favorites in the neighborhood. It has a really cozy feel and it’s very welcoming. It’s surrounded by so much greenery and...
April 19, 2020 Today was not a day for me to face the world. I just couldn’t bring myself to go outside. So instead I spent quite some time playing with natural lighting, perspective,...
April 18, 2020 Clearly I am making use of the courtyard to watch all the different feathered and furry friends that stop by for a drink. Or, in this little guy’s case, a drink...
April 17, 2020 This photo was taken at 7:25 PM on San Vicente during what I’m hoping will become my daily walk. I didn’t need to edit this at all. I used the Camera+...
April 16, 2020 This house is on a relatively busy corner, a stone’s throw away from the Brentwood Country Club. It sits just before the bottom of the hill but because it is still...
April 15, 2020 Days of solitudeGhostlike, walking in sunlightLiving from afar
April 14, 2020 The Snowy Egret, mid fluffing, is a native resident of the Ballona (ba-yo-nuh) Wetlands which can be found just off the northwest corner of the Del Rey Lagoon. This area is...
April 13, 2020 These purple flowers are called Pride of Madeira and they originate from the island of Madeira. I love these guys but apparently they are considered an invasive species in California. The...
April 12, 2020 Easter Sunday, nearly nine in the morning. The streets were deserted. Churches were closed. No sounds but bird song. I might, quite possibly, have been the only person out at that...
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